Knowledge Development and Discovery Funding Opportunities

Ohio State’s research and creative expression community benefits from central support to plan, develop and implement bold, new ideas and large-scale, complex initiatives. The Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge manages the President’s Research Excellence seed fund, the university’s central institutional cost share commitments and travel funds that enable faculty to travel to position their programs for external funding. In addition, ERIK is the administrative home for the SPIN funding opportunities database and manages the university’s limited competition funding opportunities.

Central Cost Share

When a sponsor requires quantifiable resources from the central university, this process provides a standard experience across colleges.

Internal Limited Competition Funding Portal

This portal includes limited federal funding opportunities identified by the Research Development Office (RDO) for management and limited foundation funding opportunities managed by the Office of Foundation Relations (OFR).

President's Research Excellence Program

The PRE program provides seed support for cross- and interdisciplinary research that have the potential to attract external funding.

Research Travel Program

A travel program opportunity for Ohio State’s research and creative expression community to create new opportunities for large, multidisciplinary team projects.

Other Funding Opportunities

Ohio State’s research and creative expression community relies on a variety of funders including federal agencies, private foundations, state agencies and corporations to support efforts to discover new knowledge and innovations. Visit the Office of Research website for more opportunities available to Ohio State researchers.