Early Career Faculty Research Development Program
The Early Career Faculty Research Development Program provides guidance and resources to Ohio State tenure-track faculty interested in pursuing federally-sponsored early career research grants.

Through targeted outreach, coaching, proposal support and networking activities, the goal is to significantly increase early career grants awarded to Ohio State faculty, with particular emphasis on opportunities less-commonly pursued across a range of federal agencies, including the Department of Defense, NASA, USDA, and the Department of Energy. The program works synergistically with existing programs that support faculty to pursue NSF Early Career and NIH K Awards.
Program components include:
- Early career informational webinar series - this webinar series consists of three one-hour, interactive sessions offered each semester covering the following topics: Overview of Federal Early Career Funding Opportunities, Proposal Basics, and How to Engage with a Program Manager.
- Solicitation-specific briefings - held throughout the calendar year as specific opportunities are announced, these briefings provide a detailed informational overview of the opportunity, helpful tips from prior grant recipients, and opportunities to request coaching support for proposal development.
- Research development coaching - program staff will provide one-on-one consultations to discuss research goals, evaluate ‘fit’ with federal early career grant opportunities, and positioning strategies and timeline guidance to enhance readiness and proposal success.
- Proposal development support - tailored to the needs and interests of individual faculty working to submit a proposal to an active early career opportunity, staff will provide a range of support including such things as suggested proposal outlines and proposal development timelines, samples of previously funded proposals, data regarding topical focus areas from previous rounds, peer writing groups, milestone checkpoints, connections to previously funded faculty, and/or peer or in-house proposal review.
- Sponsor networking - in addition to providing guidance on how to engage with a program manager, we will structure opportunities for cohorts of early career faculty to meet with program managers in the targeted agencies at headquarters offices or on campus.
For more information or to request an early career consultation, contact Nadeane Howard by email (howard.1149@osu.edu) or phone (614-292-9065).