Managed by the Office of Knowledge Enterprise, the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge (ERIK) has implemented a process for central university cost share requests for Sponsored Research Proposals to increase transparency and provide a standard experience across colleges.
Cost sharing is the contribution of quantifiable financial and non-financial support to a sponsored project. It is generally the responsibility of the units proposing the project; however, there are times when commitment of a quantifiable resource from the central university is required or necessary to meet a sponsor’s specific requirements.
Requests for central cost share are:
- Submitted through ERIK’s limited competition portal a minimum of one month in advance of the proposal submission deadline
- Submitted by college Deans, Associate Deans for Research, or an assigned college delegate
- Reviewed as soon as practical upon receipt, and every effort made to provide a response within one (1) calendar week
- Requests for central cost share support should reflect the minimum amount needed to meet sponsor requirements for mandatory cost share or expected institutional investment.
- Support from the PI/coPI’s departments, colleges, and/or centers should be secured prior to requesting ERIK support.
- Requests for central cost share support must be submitted to OKE by a Dean, Associate Dean for Research, or their designee at least 30 calendar days in advance of the proposal submission deadline as outlined below. Requests generated from other sources, or that are incomplete, will be returned without review. Requests for central university cost share support will be considered when:
- The proposal is of significant size, scope, and strategic importance when institutional cost share is required by the sponsor, and supports multidisciplinary, cross-unit research from more than one school or college, OR
- The proposal is of strategic importance and is for research equipment or facility renovations that will benefit multiple investigators from multiple schools/colleges.
- Voluntary cost share is not typically supported but will be considered where there is explicit indication by the sponsor that institutional commitment involving cost share is expected and where competitive forces and potential institutional benefit of receiving the award are deemed to be sufficient.
- The Knowledge Enterprise reserves the right to determine the final amount of cost share allocated, the terms or restrictions placed on its use, or to deny a cost share request.
A full budget, even in draft form, must be attached to the request.
Roles and Responsibilities
Principal Investigator (PI):
- Identify cost share requirements of the solicitation/funding opportunity.
- Notify their Research Administrator/SPO of interest in or intent to submit and need for cost share.
- Secure all potential sources for cost share prior to requesting central cost share, including:
- Department Level Support
- College Level Support
- Graduate School Support (Graduate Fee Authorizations) – note that the Graduate School has its own set of deadlines and requirements
- Notifying OKE if the proposal for which cost share has been committed is, or is not, funded after receiving notification from the sponsor.
- Provide necessary Workday worktags to complete the transfer of committed cost share.
- Making sure all cost share is captured in the PA-005.
Department Administrator – Dean, Associate Dean for Research, or Delegate:
- Assist PI with obtaining appropriate approvals regarding any cost sharing commitment in advance of proposal submission, within the time frames required by OKE and the Graduate School
- Assist PI and Research Administration with developing a cost share plan and identifying sources of funding or all cost share commitments
- Submit the Cost Share Request form
Office of Knowledge Enterprise (OKE):
- Review request within 10 business days of receipt and provide timely response to the request
- Communicate with Graduate School if a proposal requires both Central Cost Share and Graduate Fee Authorizations
- Process transfer of funds in a timely manner once notified the proposal has been awarded and in receipt of necessary worktags